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Ceolchoirm Wildwood le Bliain a 1 Rang Ceoil

Feabhra 26, 2025

D’fhreastail an rang ceoil i mbliain a 1 ar an gceolchoirm Wildwood inniu in Amharclann an Civic. Táimid ag foghlaim faoin gceolfhoireann faoi láthair agus fuaireamar deis uirlisí ceolfhoirne a fheiceáil agus a chloisteáil inniu. Bhain siad an-taitneamh as!

The music class in 1st year attended the Wildwood concert today in the Civic Theatre. We are currently learning about the orchestra in class, and today we had the opportunity to see and to listen to some orchestral instruments. They really enjoyed it!