Comhairle na nDaltaí
I gColáiste Chilliain, tuigtear an tábhacht a bhaineann le guth an dalta. Mar sin, tá Comhairle na nDaltaí mar cheann de bhun-chloch cumann na scoile. Roghnaítear baill Chomhairle na nDaltaí le toghcháin ranga ag tús gach bliain.
Feidhmeanna an Chomhairle
- Smaointí na ndaltaí a chur faoi bhráid na bainistíochta
- Chun atmaisféar, coinníollacha agus áiseanna na scoile a fheabhsú,
- Chun cinntiú go bhfuil na daltaí uile ionadaithe go cothrom
- Chun athbhreithniú rialta a dhéanamh ar pholasaithe leis an mbainistíocht scoile
- Chun an Ghaeilge agus cultúr na hÉireann a chur chun cinn sa scoilphobail.
- Chun meas, dílseacht agus bród na ndaltaí sa scoil a chothú agus chun dea-chaidreamh a fhorbairt idir dhaltaí, an fhoireann agus an bhainistíocht.
Le roinnt blianta anuas, seo a leanas roinnt de na hócáidí, tionscnaimh agus feachtais atá an Chomhairle théis tabhairt fúthu:
- Bunú Seomra Suaimhnis
- Seó Tallainne agus Comórtais ‘Labhairt na nGaeilge’ a reáchtáil
- Laethanta Cirte a reáchtáil chun airgead a thiomsú do charthanachtaí faoi leith
- Bailiúcháin Bia um Nollaig
- Plean Feabhsúcháin Chluain Dolcáin
Student Council
At Coláiste Chilliain, the importance of the student’s voice is understood. Therefore, the Student Council is one of the cornerstones of the school. The members of the Student Council are chosen by class elections at the beginning of each year.
Functions of the Council
- Presenting the students’ ideas to the management
- To improve the atmosphere, conditions and facilities of the school,
- To ensure that all pupils are equally represented
- To regularly review policies with the school management
- To promote the Irish language and Irish culture in the school community.
- To foster the respect, loyalty and pride of the students in the school and to develop good relations between students, staff and management.
Over the past few years, the following are some of the events, initiatives and campaigns that the Students’ Council has been involved with:
- Establishing a Relaxation Room
- Producing a Talent Show and running ‘Comórtas Labbhairt na Gaeilge’
- Organizing non-uniform days to raise money for specific charities
- Christmas Food Collections
- Clondalkin Improvement Plan