Alléirge Cnónna/ Nut Allergies
Márta 4, 2025
Ná déanaigí dearmad le bhur dtoil go bhfuil cosc iomlán ar bia ina bhfuil cnónna iontu ar thalamh na scoile. Tá daltaí & baill foirne a bhfuil ailléirgí cnónna acu.
Má tá ailléirge ag do mhac/ iníon, ar mhiste libh an scoil a chur ar an eolas chomh luath is gur féidir le bhur dtoil, mura bhfuil seo déanta cheanna.
We would like to remind you that any food containing nuts of any kind are not permitted in school. We have many students and members of staff that are allergic to nuts.
If your son/ daughter has an allergy of any kind, we would ask you to make the school aware as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.