Ceardlann Ealaíne faoi Lá Fhéile Bríde/ Art workshop on the theme of St Brigid’s Day
Eanáir 17, 2025
Ghlac daltaí na Idirbhliana páirt i gceardlann ealaíne ar Fhéile Bríde an tseachtain seo. Tháinig Rita ó ‘Mo Bhrat Bríde’ isteach chun teicnící fuala a mhúineadh do na daltaí. D’úsáid siad patruin traidisiúnta chun an fabraic a mhaisiú ag tógáil inspioraide ó chlocha Naomh Bríde. Bhain na daltaí an-sult as agus bhí toradh iontach ann ag an deireadh. Maith sibh!
The Transition Year students took part in an art workshop based on St Brigid’s day this week. Rita from ‘Mo Bhrat Bríde’ came in to teach the students sewinhg techniques. They used a traditional pattern to decorate the fabric taking inspiration from the stones of St. Bridgid. The students really enjoyed it and there was a great result at the end. You are good!