Daltaí na hIdirbhliana ag tabhairt faoi Bhabhta 1 de Oilimpiad Matamaitice na hÉireann TY students participating in Round 1 of the The Irish Mathemat
Meán Fómhair 23, 2024
Dé hAoine seo caite, ghlac ár ndaltaí san Idirbhliain páirt i mBabhta 1 den 38ú Oilimpiad Matamaitice na hÉireann (Comórtas náisiúnta matamaitice do dhaltaí meánscoile).
Cabhraíonn rannpháirtíocht sa chomórtas seo lena múinteoirí aon dalta scoile a aithint a bhfuil spéis agus cumas ar leith acu sa mhatamaitic.
Tabharfar cuireadh do na daltaí lena scóir is airde sa chéad bhabhta seo chuig ranganna Saibhrithe na Matamaitice atá á dtairiscint in ollscoileanna ar fud na tíre. Beidh na ranganna ag tosú i mí Dheireadh Fómhair na bliana seo
Is í príomhaidhm na ranganna saibhrithe ná grá agus meas ar an mhatamaitic a chothú i measc scoláirí cumasacha – baintear é seo amach trí dheiseanna a thabhairt dóibh fadhbanna matamaitice níos doimhne, níos dúshlánaí agus níos suimiúla ná iad siúd a bhíonn ar shiollabas na scoile a réiteach.
Baintear úsáid as torthaí na ndaltaí in Oilimpiad Matamaitice na hÉireann chun foireann de suas le seisear dalta a chur le chéile a dhéanfaidh ionadaíocht ar Éirinn ag an Oilimpiad Matamaitice Idirnáisiúnta (IMO), comórtas matamaitice mór le rá.
Guímid gach rath ar ár ndaltaí!
Last Friday, our Ty students participated in Round 1 of the 38th Irish Mathematical Olympiad (A national mathematics contest for secondary school students.)
Participation in this contest helps teachers identify any students in school who are especially interested and capable in mathematics.
The students with the highest scores on this first round will be invited to Mathematics Enrichment classes that are being offered at universities around the country. Classes will start in October this year
The primary aim of the enrichment classes is to cultivate a love and appreciation for mathematics among talented students – this is achieved by giving such students exposure to deeper, more challenging and more interesting mathematical problems than those encountered on the school syllabus
The performance of students in the Irish Mathematical Olympiad is used to identify a team of up to six students who will represent Ireland at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), a prestigious international mathematics competition.
We wish our students the very best of luck!
UCD Senior Maths Enrichment:
Maynooth University Maths Enrichment:
FREE classes in Maynooth University will be held on-campus starting 5th October 2024.
Students planning to attend Senior Maths Enrichment classes at Maynooth University are required to fill out the Maths Enrichment Registration Form .
Contact email address for queries relating Senior Maths Enrichment in Maynooth University: mathsoutreach@mu.ie