Gaeilge 24
Meán Fómhair 13, 2024
Beidh Gaeilge 24 ar siúl ar an 12/11/2024. Ghlac 243 dalta páirt annuraidh agus bhí lá iontach ag gach duine. Bhí go leor imeachtaí spraíúla ar siúl i rith an lae. An sprioc ná an Ghaeilge a spreagadh agus eispéireas dearfach a thabhairt do na daltaí maidir le húsáid na Gaeilge ina saol féin. Beidh na daltaí ag fáil cárta uarraíochta gan mhoill. Ní mór do gach dalta íosmhéid €12 a bhailliú. Rachaidh an t-airgead ar fad chuig Conradh na Gaeilge agus gheobhaidh na daltaí t-léine agus banda láimhe le caitheamh ar an lá. Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ar an suíomh gréasáin. Bheadh muid fíor bhuíoch dá mbeadh sibh in ann tacú linn agus na daltaí a spreagadh chun páirt a ghlacadh.
Gaeilge 24 will take place on 12/11/2024. 243 students took part last year and we all had a great day. There were lots of fun events on throughout the day. The goal is to encourage the Irish language and give the students a positive experience regarding the use of Irish in their own lives. The students will be receiving a sponsor card shortly. Each student must collect a minimum of €12. All the money will go to Conradh na Gaeilge and the students will receive a t-shirt and a wrist band to wear on the day. More information is available on the website. We would be very grateful if you could support us and encourage the students to participate.
Tuilleadh eolais/more information