Rinneadh Junk Kouture mar rogha ábhar san Idirbhliain i mbliana. Is éard ard atá i gceist le Junk Kouture ná feistis fhaiseanta a dhearadh agus a chruthú ag baint úsáide as meáin athchúrsáilte. Bíonn comórtas ann gach bliain agus glacann daltaí ó cheann ceann na tíre páirt ann.
I mbliana, bhí cúig ghrúpa againn le ceathrar i ngach grúpa. Bhí téama agus meáin áirithe tugtha do gach grúpa mar shampla; eachtráin phlaisteacha nó saighdiúirí Rómhánacha déanta as cairtchláir. Rinne na daltaí go leor taighde ar líne ar dtús ansin dhear siad a bhfeistis agus ar deireadh chuir siad siad tús leis an bpróiseas cruthaithe.
D’úsáid na daltaí meascán de theicnící chun a bhfeistis a chur le chéile agus ghlac siad grianghraif den phróiseas ar fad. Sa deireadh, d’éirigh leo sciortaí, clócaí, hataí agus bandaí gruaige a dhéanamh as meáin éagsúla.
D’fhoghlaim na daltaí an-chuid scileanna ag glacadh páirt i Junk Kouture ag baint triail as fuáil, tógáil, grianghrafadóireacht agus fógraíocht a dhéanamh.
Junk Kouture was an optional module in Transition Year 2023-24. Junk Kouture is all about designing and creating fashionable clothing using recycled materials. There is a competition every year and students from all over the country participate in it.
This year, we had five groups with four students in each group. Each group was given a certain theme and material for example, plastic aliens and cardboard Roman soldiers. The process involved doing a lot of research online before designing their costumes and then beginning the creation process. The students used a combination of techniques to assemble their costumes and they took photos of the whole process. In the end, they managed to make skirts, cloaks, hats and headbands from various materials.
By participating in Junk Kouture, the students learned many skills such as sewing, construction, photography and advertising.