Rang OSPS le Rang Cufróige Bl.1
Deireadh Fómhair 1, 2024
Sa rang OSPS scríobh na daltaí na rudaí a bhfuil siad ag súil leo sa mheánscoil agus na rudaí atá mar chúis imní dóibh. Phléamar na cúiseanna imní agaus ag deireadh an ranga bhí na daltaí ag mothú níos fearr. Phléamar na rudaí iontacha a bh a bheidh ach rompu sa scoil nua. Tuigeann siad anois go bhfuil siad ag cur tús le haistear nua agus go mbeidh sé taitneamhach agus spraíúil. Tá siad ag súil go mór leis an turas chun na Gaeltachta an tseachtain seo.
In the SPHE class the students wrote what they are looking forward to in secondary school and what worries them. We discussed the causes of anxiety and by the end of the class the students were feeling better. We discussed the great things ahead at their new school. They now realise that they are starting a new journey and that it will be enjoyable and fun. They are really looking forward to the trip to the Gaeltacht this week.