Scoláireacht an Chraoibhín, iarratais ag dúnadh ar an 14/02/25- Gaeltacht scholarships -application deadline 14/02/25
Eanáir 22, 2025
Scoláireacht an Chraoibhín
Soláthraíonn Coláiste Chilliain córas scoláireachtaí & lascainí do dhaltaí a
fhreastalaíonn ar chúrsaí Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht i rith an tSamhraidh.
Má tá suim ag dalta freastail ar chúrsa Gaeltachta is fiú dó/di labhairt le Aoife Ní Dhéisigh (nó i gcás tuismitheoirí/caomhnóirí glaoch a chur ar an scoil
Chun tairbhe a bhaint as Scoláireacht an Chraoibhn caithfidh daltaí/tuismitheoirí:
· A gcúrsa féin a chur in áirithint dóibh féin
· An t-éarlais a íoc lena gcoláiste
· Coimeád an amháil le tabhairt d’Aoife Ní Dhéisigh leis an bhfoirm iarratais
· Foirm iarratais a líonadh agus a thabhairt do Aoife roimh 14/2/2025 (cóip crua amháin, le fáil ó oifig na scoile)
· Tabharfaidh Aoife Ní Dhéisigh le fios do gach iarrthóir cé mhéad de scoláireacht/lascaine a gheobhaidh gach dalta (faoi lár Mhí Aibreáin)
· An fuíollach a íoc leis an gcoláiste (lúide an scoláireacht/lascaine)
Má íocann aon duine an costas iomlán le coláiste beidh orthu an scoláireacht/lascaine a fháil ar ais ón gcoláiste féin.
Ní ghlacfar le hiarratais dhéanacha.
Anseo thíos tá liosta de na Coláistí/ Cúrsaí a bhronnann lascainní ar ár ndaltaí chomh maith leis an scoláireacht a thugann an scoil:
Coláiste na nOileán (Cúrsa D nó E)
Coláiste an Phiarsaigh
Coláiste Cholumba (Cúrsa D nó E)
Coláiste Chara (Course A or B – 10% per student)
Tugann an scoil scoláireacht do gach dalta a fhreastalaíonn ar choláiste Ghaeltachta (más rud é go bhfuil sé lonnaithe i réigiún Gaeltachta)
Scoláireacht an Chraoibhín
Coláiste Chilliain provides a scholarship and discount scheme for students who attend Irish Summer courses in the Gaeltacht.
If a student is interested in attending such a course s/he should speak to Aoife Ní Dhéisigh(or in the case of queries from parents/guardians phone the school
To benefit from Scoláireacht an Chraoibhín students/parents must:
· Book their own course (all Irish teachers have info on various courses)
· Pay the deposit (not the full amount) directly to the Gaeltacht college
· Keep proof of booking to submit to Aoife Ní Dhéisigh with the Scholarship application form
· Fill in the application form and return a hard copy (forms available from the school office) to Aoife Ní Dhésigh before 14/02/2025
· Aoife Ní Dhéisigh will inform each student how much of a scholarship/discount they will receive (by the middle of April).
· Pay the Gaeltacht college the balance of the course fee minus the scholarship/discount
If anyone pays the full course fee to the Gaeltacht college they will have to seek the scholarship/discount back directly from the Gaeltacht college.
Late applications will not be accepted.
The following colleges have offered discounts to our students as well as the scholarships the school offers and have cooperated with us over the last couple of years:
Coláiste na nOileán (Cúrsa D nó E)
Coláiste an Phiarsaigh
Coláiste Cholumba (Cúrsa D nó E)
Scholarships are available to all students who attend other Gaeltacht Summer courses (once they are located in a Gaeltacht region).